Your Subconscious Mind brings everything you say and think to life. 

Therefore, it is very important to be thoughtful with the words you speak and with the thoughts you allow.

This is one of those small bits of knowledge that can turn your world around with little effort and very quickly.

The more effort you put into your words and thoughts, the more life can change for the better.  Small adjustments can make a huge difference.


A Mind/Body Test:


Do you want to test the power of your mind over your body? Close your eyes and imagine biting into a sour lemon.  .  . and really  imagine it.  Your mouth begins to salivate, right? Well, there is no lemon. 

As this demonstrates, your subconscious, where your imagination lies,  has the power to create  a physical and  emotional  reaction by just a thought.

Everything starts as a thought and then manifests in the physical world.  The more you utilize this knowledge, the more power you have over your outcomes, and therefore, your life.

Hypnosis Visualizations and Journeys Emphasize:

*Reframing Your Perspective

*Reinterpreting Words from Others

*Reconsidering A Long-Held Emotion

 *Reshaping A Long-Held Thought 

 *Reimagining Your Life

Moments of naturally occurring hypnosis:

*Just before falling asleep.

*Just after waking from sleep.

*Driving on a familiar route.

*While watching a good movie.

*Staring at a relaxing view ( the beach, your garden).

Get Started

It is time to start living well.